A blog on museum-digital and the broader digitization of museum work.


museum-digital:qa is a web service as well as public API allowing museums and software vendors to use the same quality checks musdb offers with external data.

museum-digital:qa as a Conversion Tool

Some months back I presented museum-digital:qa here and elsewhere as a tool building on a subset of the functionality of museum-digital’s import tool to evaluate data uploaded by anyone and make the quality checks musdb offers available to the uploader as well, regardless of their collection management system. Its real potential however can only be

Importer museum-digital:qa

Quality Assessments Like in musdb: Now For Everybody

At yesterday’s Autumn Conference of the Working Group Documentation of the German Museum Association (Herbsttagung der Fachgruppe Dokumentation des Deutschen Museumsbunds) a new web service in the broader realm of museum-digital was released: museum-digital:qa. museum-digital:qa reuses the importer‘s relevant functionalities to accept museum object data in a variety of input formats – both open standards

Development musdb museum-digital:qa