A blog on museum-digital and the broader digitization of museum work.

New Features

Here you can find reports and discussion on new or yet undescribed features of the tools at museum-digital.

Screenshot: Concordance checker

A Concordance Checker for Preparing Imports to museum-digital

When one runs an import to museum-digital – specifically one focused on internal collection management data – there is a chance to encounter errors of unmatched entries. The import tool identified that one tried to import a yet unknown value to what is a controlled field in musdb. Common issues appear especially with actor roles

Development General Importer Infrastructure
musdb: Versioning overlay

Version Control & Batch Transfer Between Data Fields of Object Records

The new year 2025 comes with two long-awaited new features in musdb: detailed version control of object data and an option to batch transfer object data from one free text field to another. Version control Until a few days ago, a central and sorely missed feature in musdb was a detailed version history of the

Development musdb

Quality Assessments Like in musdb: Now For Everybody

At yesterday’s Autumn Conference of the Working Group Documentation of the German Museum Association (Herbsttagung der Fachgruppe Dokumentation des Deutschen Museumsbunds) a new web service in the broader realm of museum-digital was released: museum-digital:qa. museum-digital:qa reuses the importer‘s relevant functionalities to accept museum object data in a variety of input formats – both open standards

Development musdb museum-digital:qa

Improved Workflow for Working with Loan Objects using EODEM

For some months, musdb has supported the upcoming EODEM standard for exchanging object information in the context of loans. The developments were covered extensively in a previous blog post. To summarize, the EODEM standard holds significant potential for saving registrars or colleagues taking over similar tasks in a museum a lot of time by providing

Importer musdb

Categorizing an object’s tags

… or “musdb finally supports materials, techniques, etc. from controlled vocabularies”. At museum-digital, there are four main centrally controlled vocabularies – actors, places, times, and tags. In more traditional collection management software however, the main field to control is usually the object type (is the object a helmet or a painting?). Simple tagging of the

Importer musdb
Banner of the museum-digital YouTube page.

Summary of the monthly user meetup (March 2023)

Yesterday, we held our regular user meetup as scheduled. As promised, below you can find an overview of the new features and updates below some more general points. General YouTube channel There now is a museum-digital YouTube channel. For now, one can find some German-language screencasts on different features in musdb and nodac there. New

Community Development Frontend Importer musdb Project page www.museum-digital.org Themator

A Timeline for an Object’s History Within the Museum

In musdb, there’s PuQi, indicating aspects of an object that may be better or more extensively recorded for publication. There’s “Plausi“, indicating implausibilities in an object’s recorded events (e.g. if the object was supposedly created by somebody who was clearly not alive anymore at the time of creation entered in the object record). There are

Development musdb

Upcoming Major Update to musdb

Usually the development of musdb (and the other parts of museum-digital software) follows a rolling release paradigm. A new feature is developed, tested, and then distributed. Updates are – usually – not held back. Over the last month, we made an exception, as there will be a lot of new features and a slight redesign

Development General musdb

New Features at museum-digital (November 2022)

After trying a monthly change log once some month ago, we have unfortunately been rather lenient with notifying everyone of new features and updates in the last months. To approach betterment, here there is a list of the updates of November 2022 the form of screenshots. As a very large update is upcoming in the

Development Frontend General Importer md:term musdb

Monthly museum-digital user meetup (September 2022) / New Features

On September 6th 2022, we continued our monthly user meetups. As should best become the norm, we discussed recent new features of the preceeding month and plan a next meetup on the first Tuesday of October (October 4th, 2022, 5 p.m. at https://meet.jit.si/museum-digital-meetup-202210). A summary of the new features and updates can be found in

Community Development Frontend Importer musdb