A blog on museum-digital and the broader digitization of museum work.

A Timeline for an Object’s History Within the Museum

In musdb, there’s PuQi, indicating aspects of an object that may be better or more extensively recorded for publication. There’s “Plausi“, indicating implausibilities in an object’s recorded events (e.g. if the object was supposedly created by somebody who was clearly not alive anymore at the time of creation entered in the object record). There are

Development musdb

Upcoming Major Update to musdb

Usually the development of musdb (and the other parts of museum-digital software) follows a rolling release paradigm. A new feature is developed, tested, and then distributed. Updates are – usually – not held back. Over the last month, we made an exception, as there will be a lot of new features and a slight redesign

Development General musdb

New Features at museum-digital (November 2022)

After trying a monthly change log once some month ago, we have unfortunately been rather lenient with notifying everyone of new features and updates in the last months. To approach betterment, here there is a list of the updates of November 2022 the form of screenshots. As a very large update is upcoming in the

Development Frontend General Importer md:term musdb

Monthly museum-digital user meetup (September 2022) / New Features

On September 6th 2022, we continued our monthly user meetups. As should best become the norm, we discussed recent new features of the preceeding month and plan a next meetup on the first Tuesday of October (October 4th, 2022, 5 p.m. at https://meet.jit.si/museum-digital-meetup-202210). A summary of the new features and updates can be found in

Community Development Frontend Importer musdb

Monthly museum-digital user meetup (August 2022) / New features

On Tuesday last week we had our first international user meetup. As proposed, we mainly discussed recent updates and new features before opening up the general discussion. In the process, we also wrote a list of the new features introduced with short notes on each. You can find it below. The next monthly meetup is

Community Development Frontend Importer musdb Project page www.museum-digital.org
Screenshot der OpenAPI-Beschreibung der API von musdb in Swagger UI

Managing object information using the musdb API

The public API of the frontend of museum-digital has long been in use – for example for embedding objects directly from museum-digital in a given museum’s website. The API is stable and well-established. In musdb, our inventorization and museum management tool, however, the situation is more complicated. On the one hand, musdb is simply much

Development musdb

files.museum-digital.org: Archive for Documents About museum-digital

Over the years, many presentations have been held about museum-digital. Articles have been written, and so have tutorials and other documents. To not let them fade into obscurity on the hard drives of their authors, we have now set up a document archive for such files: files.museum-digital.org. For the start we have compiled primarily presentations

Development General Präsentationen

IIIF and museum-digital

Many have seen it and the feedback has been consistently positive thus far: For many objects, museum-digital can now offer a revamped image viewer with improved features, such as a much better zoom function. This is made possible by the image viewer Mirador and our IIIF API. The fact that museum-digital offers an IIIF API

Development Frontend